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Grass Seed overseed - Lawn prairie Blend

SKU 19338

Contains Premium perennial ryegrass, creeping red fescue and Kentucky bluegrass 

Power-rake existing lawn to remove thatch layer (optional). A light top dressing with soil is recommended. Seed at 3 kg/100 m2 (7 lbs/1,000 sq.ft.). This higher overseeding rate will ensure uniformly thick establishment, thereby suppressing weeds. After seeding, brush or rake lightly to cause the seed to fall into contact with the soil. To promote good seed germination, keep the newly seeded area moist at all times by watering lightly, but frequently. For best results, use Country Green™ Seed & Sod Starter 16-32-6 fertilizer at the time of seeding. Follow with a regular lawn maintenance program.

Maintenance: Mow as needed. Use Country Green™ slow-release fertilizer in spring, summer and fall. This will promote a healthy, disease-free lawn.