Roundup Super Concentrate 1L
Sold out
SKU 5009810
Active Ingredients
- Glyphosate, isopropylamine salt: 50.2%
- Spray solutions of this product may be mixed, stored, and applied using stainless steel, fiberglass, plastic, or plastic-lined steel containers. DO NOT MIX, STORE, OR APPLY THIS PRODUCT OR SPRAY SOLUTIONS OF THIS PRODUCT IN GALVANIZED STEEL OR UNLINED STEEL (EXCEPT STAINLESS STEEL) CONTAINERS OR SPRAY TANKS.
- How to use ? Spray the weeds or grasses you want to kill until thoroughly wet. When spot-treating weeds in a flower garden, shield desirable plants from drift with a piece of cardboard or plastic. If a desirable plant is accidentally sprayed, rinse off immediately with water. People and pets may enter treated areas after spray has dried.
- Size : 1L
- Rainproof in 30 minutes
- Kills the toughest weeds and grasses.
- Absorbs through the leaf and stem only so killing power won't spread to non-target plants through soil.
- Roundup® Weed & Grass Killer Super Concentrate is the best value for really widespread weed problems.
- Ideal for larger projects.
- Can be used in and around vegetable gardens. Also use in and around fences, trees, driveways and flower beds. Can be used to treat stumps and prevent regrowth. Use for lawn renovation but do not use to spot treat in lawn since glyphosate kills lawn grasses.